Geetam Tiwari

The way forward : transportation planning and road safety Geetam Tiwari; Dinesh Mohan; Nicole Muhlrad - Delhi Macmillan 2005 - ix, 414 p. : ill

Road Safety: The International Experience • Road Safety in Low Income Countries: Issues and Concerns Regarding Knowledge Transfer from High Income Countries • Road Traffic Injury as a Public Health Problem • Haddon’s Matrix and Injury Control • Transportation Planning: Mobility and Safety • Systems Approach to Injury Control • The Accident as a Multifactorial Phenomenon: A Systems Approach to Traffic Safety • Heterogeneous Traffic and Safety • Road User Behaviour and the Road Environment: A Framework for Analysis • Considering Traffic Behaviour in a Contested Social Space: Hints of Indigenous Knowledge Systems on Safety • Communication with the Road Users • Safety Promotion: Education and Legislation • Types and Sources of Data • Recording of Traffic Crashes • Traffic Conflict Techniques: Some Data to Supplement Accident Analysis • Mixed Traffic and Conflict Analysis • Some Statistical Models for Road Risk Analysis • Evaluation of Safety Measures • The Safety Diagnosis • Speed and its Effects on Road Users • Reducing Speeds Improves Road Safety: An Undeniable Fact • Human Tolerance to Injury: Role of Biomechanics and Ergonomics • Safer Vehicle Design • Design for Safety • Road Features and Safety • Highway Safety in India • Road Safety Audits • Road Safety in Urban Areas • Urban Safety and Mobility • Urban Safety and Traffic Calming • Public Transport and Safety • Bicycling and Better Mobility • Macro-social Determinants of Safety • Integrated Road Safety Management: Inter-sectoral Policies and Institutional Organisation • Road Safety Management: From the National to the Local Level • The Role and Structure of Institutions for Promoting Road Safety • Pre-Hospital Care • Glossary • Systematic Reviews of Road Safety Measures • Abbreviations


Road Safety
Transporation Planning

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