Surawar, Meenal

Acumen of Architectural Built / Dr. Meenal Surawar - 1st ed. - New Delhi Metro Books 2023 - 107 p. : ill. ; 21 cm.

ARCHITECTURAL But do we have a roadmap to analyze any case study rationally? Do we address all the aspects of an architectural built project? The answer is not assertive. As a student one never have a template for how to look deep inside the journey of any architectural project, due to which one lacks that acumen while designing. After much sincere effort put forth in brainstorming, we came up with an idea to generate, a set of templates to make a rational analysis of case studies. As a result, we conducted one national level workshop, on rational thinking of architectural built, based on this progressive thought. We received an overwhelming response from the workshop & that’s the point where the idea of writing this book got evolved.



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