Hunter II, Thomas

Distributed systems with Node.Js building enterprise ready backend services / Thomas Hunter II - 1st ed. - Sebastopol, CA : O'Reilly Media c2021 - xv, 369 p. : ill. 23 cm.

Reprint. 2021

Includes index

Many companies, from startups to Fortune 500 companies alike, use Node.js to build performant backend services. And engineers love Node.js for its approachable API and familiar syntax. Backed by the world's largest package repository, Node's enterprise foothold is only expected to grow. In this hands-on guide, author Thomas Hunter II proves that Node.js is just as capable as traditional enterprise platforms for building services that are observable, scalable, and resilient. Intermediate to advanced Node.js developers will find themselves integrating application code with a breadth of tooling from each layer of a modern service stack.


Computers Programming Languages JavaScript; Computers Systems Architecture Distributed Systems & compututing

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