Farmers of forty centuries : or permanent agriculture in China, Korea and Japan Farmers of forty centuries
/ F.H. King
- 1st edition
- Delhi LG Publishers Distributors 2021
- 379 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Includes index
Farmers of Forty Centuries describes the voyage agronomist and former US Department of Agricultre offcial Franklin Hiram King made to China, Korea and Japan in the early 1900s. The purpose of his trip was to study how the extremely dense populations of the Far East could produce massive amounts of food century after century without depleting their soils. What he discovered was a higly sophisticated system of water management, crop rotation, inter-planting and rational utilization of ecological relationships among farm plants, animals and people. This book on agriculture should have good effect in establishing understanding between the West and the East. If there could be such an interchange of courtesies and inquiries on these themes as is suggested by Professor King, as well as the interchange of athletics and diplomacy and commerce, the common productive people on both sides should gain much that they could use; and the results in amity should be incalculable.