Charu Sabnavis

#you : build your personal brand / Charu Sabnavis. - New Delhi : Sage Publications , 2021 - xx, 278 p. : ill. ; 22 cm.

A strong personal brand does not come about by chance, it is the outcome of an endeavour towards creating and projecting the person you are. Just as a product needs active marketing and promotion to generate awareness and draw attention of potential buyers, a personal brand needs promotion to gain visibility and recognition amongst stakeholders. Opening doors for opportunities, resources and information, #YOU: Build Your Personal Brand talks about building and maintaining your personal brand. It will enable you to reinstate your ability to forge constructive relationships and build strong networks. The book also discusses how to present your personal style based on attire, communication, body language and confidence. Creating those positive first impressions, this book provides insights and practical tips for having a voice at the table.


Branding (Marketing)

658.8 / CHA