Wood, Norman B.

Lives of famous Indian chiefs : from Cofachiqui, the Indian princess, and Powhatan; down to and including Chief Joseph and Geronimo Norman B. Wood - New Delhi Momentum Publishers Distributors 2020 - xvi, 732 p. ill. 23 cm.

v. 2

We do not propose to apologize for writing this book; for the reasons that those who approve would not consider it necessary and those who oppose would not accept the apology. Therefore; we can only offer the same explanation as that made twenty-four centuries ago by the "Father of History" when he said: "To rescue from oblivion the noble deeds of those who have gone before; I; Herodotus of Halicarnassus; write this chronicle.".


Indians of North America -- Biography.
Indians -- Origin.
Indians of North America -- Anecdotes.

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