Parpola, Asko

Deciphering the Indus script Asko Parpola - New York Cambridge University Press 2009 - xxii, 374 p. : ill., maps ; 28 cm.

Contents :1. The Indus Civilization and its historical context - 2. Early writing systems -- 3. Deciphering an unknown script --4. Approaches to the Indus script -- 5. Internal evidence for the type of script used in the Indus Valley -- 6. Internal evidence for the structure of the Indus language -- 7. External clues to the Indus script -- 8. In search of the Indus language -- 9. Dravidian languages and the Harappan culture -- 10. The 'fish' signs of the Indus script -- 11. The astronomical and astrological background -- 12. The trefoil motif : further evidence for astral religion -- 13. Evidence for Harappan worship of the god Muruku -- 14. Evidence for Harappan worship of the Goddess -- 15. Epilogue -- Appendix: Compounds ending in the word mīn̲ in Tamil Lexicon


Harappa Site (Pakistan)
Indus Civilization
Indus script

491.1 ASK