Nathawat M. S., Pandey A. C. & Birla Institute of Technology. Dept. of Remote Sensing N. S. o. ". o. G. i. D. P. f. B. G. (. . D. o. R. S. B. (2008). Geoinformatics for decentralized planning and governance. Jaipur: Rawat Publications.
Nathawat M S, Pandey A C and Birla Institute of Technology. Dept. of Remote Sensing National Seminar on "Role of Geoinformatics in Decentralized Planning for Better Governance" (2004 Dept of Remote Sensing BIT). 2008. Geoinformatics for decentralized planning and governance. Jaipur: Rawat Publications.
Nathawat M. S., Pandey A. C. and Birla Institute of Technology. Dept. of Remote Sensing N. S. o. ". o. G. i. D. P. f. B. G. (. . D. o. R. S. B. (2008). Geoinformatics for decentralized planning and governance. Jaipur: Rawat Publications.
Nathawat M S, Pandey A C and Birla Institute of Technology. Dept. of Remote Sensing National Seminar on "Role of Geoinformatics in Decentralized Planning for Better Governance" (2004 Dept of Remote Sensing BIT). Geoinformatics for decentralized planning and governance. Jaipur: Rawat Publications. 2008.