The science and practice of middle and long distance running

Blagrove, Richard C. ; Hayes, Philip R.

The science and practice of middle and long distance running / edited by Richard C. Blagrove and Philip R Hayes - 1st ed. - New York Routledge c2021 - xxiii, 426 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.

Includes bibliographies and index

The Science and Practice of Middle and Long Distance Running links together the science and coaching artistry associated with preparing distance runners for events ranging from 800 m up to ultra-marathon distances. It combines the latest scientific evidence, published by world-leading sport scientists, with the sound training principles and strategies adopted by experienced coaches. The book translates cutting-edge scientific research from the fields of physiology, biomechanics, psychology and nutrition into practical suggestions for achieving success. Important topical issues and contemporary practices related to health and performance are also addressed. This book is an essential addition to the library of any distance runner, coach or sport scientist.



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