Mastering salesforce CRM administration an advanced administration certification handbook

Gupta, Rakesh

Mastering salesforce CRM administration an advanced administration certification handbook / Gupta, Rakesh - Birmingham, UK : Packt c2017 - viii, 391 p. : ill. 23 cm.

First Published 2017

Includes index

The book starts by refreshing your knowledge of common admin tasks. You will go over Lightning Experience and various security aspects. You will be shown how to implement territory management in your organization and make use of custom objects. From here, the book progresses to advanced configuration, data management, and data analytics before swiftly moving on to setting up advanced organization-wide features that affect the look and feel of the application.


Customer relations Management; Sales management Data processing; Salesforce (Online service); Salesforce (Serveur)

005.75 / GUP

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