Engineering thermodynamics

Jones, J. B

Engineering thermodynamics J.B.Jones, R.E.Dugan - Upper Saddle River, NJ Printice-Hall, Inc 1996 - xxiii, 1000 p

Contents : A. Introduction to Thermo-dynamics: Basic Concepts and Definitions. Properties_pvT Relationships. B. Notes on Problem Solving: The First Law of Thermodynamics. Physical Properties that Depend on the First Law. The Second Law of Thermodynamics. Properties that Depend on the Second Law-Entropy and Others. Property Relationships. Availability and Irreversibility. C. Overview_Looking back, Looking Ahead: Gas and Gas-Vapor Mixtures. Binary Mixtures. Chemical Reactions_Combustion. Thermochemical Equilibrium in Ideal-Gas Reactions. Thermodynamics of Compressible Fluid Flow. D. Looking ahead to more Extensive Modeling: Compression and Expansion Processes. Power Systems. Refrigeration Systems. Direct Energy Conversion. Appendices


Engineering Thermodynamics

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